We were treated to an 80’s show this year and the students did a wonderful job!! Elizabeth even crimped her hair for the show 🙂

The Safety Dance 🙂

Thanks to the encouragement of my friend Scott we decided to try San Juan for spring break this year. We spent two days on the beach, a day in the rain forest and a day in old San Juan.
We really enjoyed winding down and warming up for a few days. It was very relaxing and a great time to play games and get away from home, school and work 🙂
Click here to see the full album
Beach time!
Old San Juan
Rain forest – Joey was very brave 🙂
Carolyn and I pushed Elizabeth into choir when she joined high school. She was not a huge fan at first but I think that she likes it. I even found some smiles in the performance 🙂
View the full album here
We had a great start to the day celebrating with Marc for his upcoming 40th birthday. It was great to see everyone, it’s been too long!