Lanesboro 2015

We enjoyed a dads and kids weekend in Lanesboro with the Lenzen’s this year for our final camping trip of the season. Lots of fall chill and sun accompanied by bike rides and other fun.

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Before the big bike ride

2015-10-16 10.48.54

The reward was a lunch at a wonderful cafe
2015-10-16 13.45.45

You cannot ride by the pie shop without eating some pie πŸ™‚
2015-10-16 11.17.35

Day 1 with the kids
2015-10-15 14.27.33-4

An awesome fall stew
2015-10-16 18.23.37

Fall Catchup

It has been a fun fall so far. Post Memorial Day weekend at the lake we enjoyed the first day of school, Elizabeth’s volleyball season, and Joey’s football season. Joey also attended his first Vikings game on a beautiful sunny day.

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Elizabeth’s volleyball season was a lot of fun to watch. The girls progressed with each game
2015-09-29 18.29.50

Joey’s football season was also very exciting. Joey and his team had a rough start but rose to the top of their division before the playoffs started P1020987

Joey attended his first Vikings game with his ‘old man’ πŸ™‚ It was a joy to see the experience through his eyes
2015-09-27 11.43.16