The kids are skating better and better every time we visit. Hopefully next time Joey will be able to go without too much help, he wasn’t hanging on us too much this time.
We grilled, had dinner with the family and enjoyed some time in the sun tonight. I couldn’t get Joe or Carolyn in the picture, do they have wide-angle lenses for my Blackberry? 😉
Grandma Penni and Carolyn put the bikes together the other day. They love them!! Thanks to Grandma Penni and Grandpa Joe for the cool Christmas gift 🙂
I was brushing me teeth this morning when Elizabeth came down to show me one of her Little People and she told me that all of her toys are made in China. It made me laugh 🙂
I had to get to a Wild game with some classmates and Carolyn was at church so the kids spent some time with the Gma’s and Gpa’s today. Thanks again for the help!!